Technology Acceptable Use

Acceptable Use of Technology Guidelines

The NICE Community School District is committed to the effective use of technology to enhance
both the quality of student learning and the efficiency of district operations. NICE Community
Schools filters internet access in accordance with existing federal requirements for privacy and
Internet safety (i.e., The Children’s Internet Protection Act [CIPA]). This Acceptable Use of
Technology Guidelines is published to ensure that staff and students are making appropriate and
ethical use of district technology.

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The NICE Community School District is committed to the effective use of technology to enhance both the quality of student learning and the efficiency of district operations. NICE Community Schools filters internet access in accordance with existing federal requirements for privacy and Internet safety (i.e., The Children’s Internet Protection Act [CIPA]). This Acceptable Use of Technology Guidelines is published to ensure that staff and students are making appropriate and ethical use of district technology.


  • Only authorized individuals will be allowed to use any hardware or software.
  • Individuals using technology will accept responsibility for the preservation and care of that hardware and software.
  • Individuals will use district technology for the support of education, research and information consistent with the goals of the district.
  • Individuals who receive user ids and passwords are responsible for those user ids and passwords and are liable for activity associated with those passwords.
  • As a representative of the NICE Community School District on a public system, you may be alone at your computer, but what you say and do can be viewed globally. Electronic mail (email) or any communication is not guaranteed to be private.
  • Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities must be reported to the technology coordinator or a building administrator.


  • Obey all copyright laws.
  • Follow all school rules and district policies concerning the use of technology.
  • Keep passwords confidential.
  • Report any misuse of networks and technology including viruses, illegal access to accounts or illegal tampering to the technology coordinator or to a building administrator.
  • Keep all food and drinks away from computers.


  • Use the Internet to send or receive messages that are inconsistent with district policy. This includes messages that are inflammatory, harassing in nature, sexist, racist or containing obscene or pornographic material.
  • Allow others to use their accounts to access the Internet or any school network.
  • Use district technology for commercial or profit purposes.
  • Use district technology to obtain illegal copies of software, printed materials or other materials to which they do not have ownership of or license to use.
  • Tamper with technology (including computers or network systems) in a way that will make them either temporarily or permanently inoperable.
  • Publish school related material on the Internet without approval of building administrator and district webmaster.
  • Remove, relocate, modify or copy any hardware, software, or other people’s files.
  • Install software on school district computers.
  • Scan, access or print pornographic or obscene material.
  • Use addresses, phone numbers or individually identified pictures of students or colleagues without appropriate permission.
  • Reveal home address or personal phone numbers.

Violation of the Acceptable Use Policy for the NICE Community School District will result in disciplinary action as set forth in NICE Community School District Board of Education Policy 4500 and 4510).


Access and use of technology, including the Internet, is a conditional right. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in a loss of access to technology, disciplinary action consistent with district policy and/or criminal prosecution.

Before using district technology, read and sign this document.

I, _____________________  have read the NICE Community School District Acceptable Use of Technology Guidelines and agree to its conditions.





NICE Community School District