School Meals Information
2024-2025 Student school meal prices under Michigan School Meals Program:
Breakfast PAID $0, Reduced $0, Free $0 (no cost to students)
Lunch PAID $0, Reduced $0, Free $0 (no cost to students)
(one carton of milk is included with a school meal)
Milk purchased separately from a meal (ala-carte) remains at 50 cents per carton
Adult prices (includes sales tax) remains same as last year’s pricing:
Adult Breakfast $3.01
Adult Lunch $5.25
Ala-carte and second meals are still available at a cost but students MUST have funds in their food service account to purchase items. ABSOLUTELY NO ala-carte sales to students with zero or negative account balances. Direct them to the hot lunch line to get a free complete meal if they don’t have funds available for ala-carte purchases.
Although school meals will be at no cost to our students this year, WE MUST STILL distribute Education Benefit Forms to families to complete and return to Traci Sundberg to determine student eligibility for grant funding.